Sub-theme 39: Governing for Sustainability: Exploring How Public and Private Forms of Governance Interact
Johanna Järvelä, IESEG School of Management, France
Jette Steen Knudsen, Tufts University, USA
Jean-Pascal Gond, City, University of London, United Kingdom
Session I: Thursday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, Ingegneria – I – 0_CD
Chair: Jette Steen Knudsen
Jennifer Goodman, Céline Louche and Carine Girard-Guerraud
A new era of shareholder democracy: Implications for governance and sustainable development
Discussant(s): Anne Vestergaard
Inès Dhaouadi, Assâad El Akremi and Assâad El Akremi
Governing CSR in contexts of radical political change: Insights from the case of Shell before and after the Tunisian Revolution
Discussant(s): Jennifer Goodman, Céline Louche & Carine Girar-Guerraud
Anne Vestergaard
Corporate Civic Imaginaries. Exploring the democratic implications of corporate societal governance
Discussant(s): Ines Dhaouadi & Assâad El Akremi
Session II: Thursday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, Ingegneria – I – 0_CD
Chair: Jean-Pascal Gond
Juan González Martinez, Benjamin Le Pendeven and Guillermo Casasnovas
Building transnational nascent markets through policy support: The case of the European Investment Fund and impact investing
Discussant(s): Steen Thomsen
Katie Meissner, Paula Jarzabkowski and Corinne Unger
Repairing the past: tensions in a cross-sector partnership between a scripted stakeholder engagement process and future-making
Discussant(s): Lisa Hehenberger & Chiara Andreoli
Lisa Hehenberger and Chiara Andreoli
Impact transparency and accountability: Unpacking impact governance mechanisms in the impact investing field
Discussant(s): Juan González Martinez, Benjamin Le Pendeven & Guillermo Casasnovas
Steen Thomsen
Sustainable Corporate Governance
Discussant(s): Katie Meissner, Paula Jarzabkowski & Corinne Unger
Session III: Thursday, July 06, 14:00 to 15:30, Ingegneria – I – 0_CD
Chair: Jette Steen Knudsen
Philip Schleifer, Luc Fransen and Luc Fransen
Smart mix politics: Investigating public-private and north-south interactions in the governance of forest-risk supply chains
Discussant(s): Janina Grabs & Rachael Garret
Sabina Du Rietz and Erik Hysing
Unofficial intermediation – Regulatory intermediary functions in the governing of PFAS chemicals
Discussant(s): Diogo Vallim
Janina Grabs, Rachael Garrett and Rachael Garrett
Governing Sustainability through Grievance Mechanisms: Evidence from the Palm Oil Supply Chain
Discussant(s): Sabina Du Rietz
Diogo Vallim
Private regulation spearheading policy reform. Implications of the participation of government agencies in the Brazilian Amazon
Beef Zero Deforestation Commitments
Discussant(s): Phillip Schleifer & Luc Fransen
Session IV: Friday, July 07, 09:00 to 10:30, Ingegneria – I – 0_CD
Chair: Jean-Pascal Gond
Marie Di Nardo, Andrew W. Crane and Kostas Iatridis
Becoming a political actor: Opportunities and challenges
Discussant(s): Alan Brejnholt
Rayan Merkbawi
Political corporate social responsibility, hegemony, and religion in sectarian Lebanon
Discussant(s): Marie Di Nardo, Andrew Crane & Kostas Iatridis
Alan Brejnholt
Awakening the gorilla in the closet: State orchestration of CSR constraining government intervention in a developmental state
Discussant(s): Zena Al-Esia, Andrew Crane & Kostas Iatridis
Zena Al-Esia, Andrew W. Crane and Kostas Iatridis
is political CSR shaped in restrictive contexts? The case of multinationals and
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Discussant(s): Ryan Merkbawi
Session V: Friday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, Ingegneria – I – 0_CD
Chair: Jette Steen Knudsen
Susana Esper, Gustavo Birollo and Maria Castillo
Driving the change: How CSR managers use public policy to influence the sustainability transition of higher education institutions
Discussant(s): Lauren McCarthy
Anja Kirsch, Philipp A. Thompson and Gregory Jackson
in corporate disclosure: Exploring the compliance and commitment orientations
of German corporations
Discussant(s): Agnieszka Majewska
Lauren McCarthy
Inter-Organizational Misogyny in Global Value Chains: The Case of Cambodian Garment Workers
Discussant(s): Anja Kirsch, Philipp A. Thompson & Gregory Jackson
Agnieszka M. Majewska
Self-regulation as a nonmarket strategy. An exploratory study of mechanisms transforming firm’s nonmarket environment.
Discussant(s): Susana Esper, Gustavo Birollo & Maria Castillo
Session VI: Friday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, Ingegneria – I – 0_CD
Chair: Jean-Pascal Gond
Onna van den Broek and Jeremy Moon
Money talks: The role of donors as ‘solution-shapers’ international cross-sector partnerships
Discussant(s): Rieneke Slager & Sarah Castaldi
Rieneke Slager and Sarah Castaldi
Glocalization work: development of glocal supply chains for sustainable textiles in Ethiopia
Discussant(s): Eduardo Hernandez
Eduardo Hernandez Melgar
Between rocks and hard places: corporate community engagement practitioners using governance roles
Discussant(s): Onna van den Broek & Jeremy Moon
Session VII: Saturday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30, Ingegneria – I – 0_CD
Chair: Jette Steen Knudsen
Leona A. Henry
Handling a new regulatory era: tensions in multi-stakeholder initiatves resulting from due diligence legislation
Discussant(s): Marjo Siltaoja
Marjo Siltaoja and Johanna Järvelä
Legitimacy dynamics and moving Dispositions – Mining MSI evolution from optimism to disillusionment
Discussant(s): Marija Roglic & Florence Palpacuer
Marija Roglić and Florence Palpacuer
Exploring the regime of participation around public multi-stakeholder initiatives: Governance of the LEADER program in Croatia
Discussant(s): Daniela Bolzani & Chiara Pagano
Daniela Bolzani and Chiara Pagano
Multi-stakeholder governance instilled by social entrepreneurs: Insights from a housing initiative
Discussant(s): Leona A. Henry
Session VIII: Saturday, July 08, 11:00 to 12:30, Ingegneria – I – 0_CD
Chair: Jean-Pascal Gond
Shady Anayati
From inclusive experimentalism to hierarchical regulation of global supply chains: addressing the changing role of the EU
in the governance of transnational business.
Discussant(s): Verena Girschik & Jeremy Moon
Stephanie Villadiego De La Hoz and Emmanuelle Reuter
Stakeholder inclusion failure and global legal norms: The case of Oxy’s free prior consultation with the U’wa indigenous people
Discussant(s): Shady Anyanti
Verena Girschik, Jeremy Moon and Jeremy Moon
Corporations as governance actors: From behemoths in the shadows to corporate citizens
Discussant(s): Emmanuelle Reuter & Stephanie Villadiego De La Hoz