PDW 03 – Social Evaluations: Complementarities, Interactions, and Effects

Moritz Gruban
Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom
Ben Li
emlyon business school, France
Tijs Adriaan van den Broek
VU – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Call for Applications

Bryant Hudson, IÉSEG School of Management, France
Julien Jourdan, HEC Paris, France
Karen Patterson, University of New Mexico, USA

Marco Clemente, ZHAW School of Management and Law, Switzerland
Elanor Colleoni, IULM University, Italy
Michael Etter, King’s College London, United Kingdom
Nicole Gillespie, University of Queensland, Australia
Patrick Haack, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Laura Illia, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Anna Jasinenko, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Thomas Roulet, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom


The goal of this PDW, supported by the EGOS Standing Working Group (SWG) 05 on “Social Evaluations in Organization Studies”, is to help PhD students and early-career researchers advance their research on social evaluations. This PDW will provide participants with the opportunity to discuss theoretical and methodological challenges related to social evaluations research, to meet colleagues in the field, and to receive individual feedback on work in progress.
The workshop will be divided into two parts. The first part of the workshop will be a panel debate on whether and how researchers could combine different concepts (i.e., authenticity, celebrity, infamy, legitimacy, reputation, status, stigma, and trustworthiness) to advance social evaluations research. To facilitate an interactive discussion, three distinguished scholars will share their own experiences and reflections on how they have combined social evaluation concepts in their research. We want to pay particular attention to the prospects and pitfalls of integrating multiple social evaluation concepts and explore what and why combinations are (im)possible in future work. The second part is a paper development workshop and will be dedicated to providing feedback to the participants with the support of experienced facilitators. The total duration of the workshop will be four hours, including a coffee break of 30 minutes.
Part 1: Panel and Open Discussion (1.5 hour)
The first part of the workshop includes a panel and open discussion. The idea for the debate came from our observation that social evaluation concepts are often studied separately. As a result, the field of social evaluations research is currently fragmented, and silos have formed around each concept. Our goal is to bring social evaluation scholars together by focusing on the commonalities and possible complementarities, as well as discussing if and how scholars can combine multiple concepts to advance our understanding of social evaluations. We believe that focusing on the commonalities will also help us to understand the differences between the concepts.

  • First, three distinguished panelists (Bryant Hudson, Julien Jourdan, and Karen Patterson) will reflect on their own experiences with conducting research that combines multiple social evaluation concepts, with a particular focus on the prospects and pitfalls of doing so. Each panelist will be given about ten minutes for their reflections. These reflections are intended to stimulate discussion among the participants. To further enhance the interaction between the panelists and the participants, the panel will be moderated by the organizers.

  • After the initial reflections, we will open the floor for questions from participants. The idea is to stimulate an interactive discussion with the participants and to give participants ample opportunity to ask the panelists questions.

Part 2: Paper Development Workshop (2 hours)
The second part of the workshop will be a paper development workshop. Work in progress and project ideas on similar topics will be exchanged in roundtable discussions. Each roundtable, with up to three participants, will be led by a facilitator. The organizers will distribute the project proposals to the respective roundtable participants in advance. Each participant must present their project to the other roundtable participants (max. 10 minutes). The facilitator will then provide feedback to each participant. After the facilitator’s feedback, the roundtable will be opened for discussion by all roundtable participants. We explicitly welcome the submission of project ideas (so no full paper required). The workshop will conclude with closing remarks on the potential prospects and pitfalls of research on social evaluations in organization studies.


All scholars researching social evaluations are invited to apply. However, preference will be given to PhD students and early-career scholars. To be considered as an early-career scholar, applicants need to have completed their doctoral/PhD thesis within the last three years. Selection criteria are originality and relevance of the proposal.
Please submit – via the EGOS website – by April 30, 2024 a single document of application (.docx or .pdf file) that includes:

  • A short letter of application containing full details of name, affiliation and email (date of PhD completion for early-career scholars), and a statement of why you consider it valuable to attend this PDW;

  • A CV;

  • A 500–1000 words proposal, outlining the research question and its relevance. The purpose of the roundtable session is to discuss work in progress as well as project ideas, not fully-developed papers.

Moritz Gruban is a Lecturer of Organisation Studies at the School of Business and Management at Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom. His research focuses on how norm-violating practices gain acceptance and how organizations cope with stigmatization.
Ben Li is a PhD candidate in Management at emlyon business school, France. His research focuses on how sudden status changes affect the quality evaluations of market actors and how they react to such shocks.
Tijs Adriaan van den Broek is an Assistant Professor in Organization Sciences at VU Amsterdam’s Faculty of Social Sciences, The Netherlands. His research focuses on the evaluation of legitimacy and authenticity on social media, online corporate activism, and communication interventions for online polarized discussions.