Sub-theme 08: (SWG) Back to the Future: Using History to Study Organizations in Uncertain Times
Matthias Kipping, Schulich School of Business, Toronto, Canada
Behlül Üsdiken, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey
R. Daniel Wadhwani, Eberhardt School of Business, University of the Pacific, USA
Session I: Thursday, July 03, 11:00 to 12:30, G2-41
History, Theory and Management Today
Chair: Matthias Kipping
Stephanie Decker, Andrew Perchard, Niall MacKenzie and Giovanni Favero
Clio in the business school: Historical approaches in strategy, international business, entrepreneurship and quantitative
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Diego M. Coraiola
Michael Rowlinson, John Hassard and Julie Wolfram Cox
The genealogy of modern slavery
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Mads Mordhorst
Session II: Thursday, July 03, 14:00 to 15:30, G2-41
History and Strategy
Chair: Behlül Üsdiken
Luca Zan
Complexity, anachronism and time-parochialism. Historicizing strategy and strategizing history
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Carole Jane Elliott
Gerarda Westerhuis and Abe de Jong
The effect of Dutch big linkers on corporate policies and performance, 1903–2003
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Jarmo Seppälä
Catherine Casler
Calling on Chandler: Strategy at a 'crossroads'
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Alistair Mutch
Session III: Thursday, July 03, 16:00 to 17:30, G2-41
Founding Conditions and Imprinting
Chair: R. Daniel Wadhwani
Talia Pfefferman
Gender, identity and entrepreneurship: Identity formation at the founding stage of enterprises, lessons from Israeli society,
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Anindita Banerjee
Yen N. Oon, Jaideep Prabhu and Kulwant Singh
Founding conditions and internationalization: The influence of family founders, and the economic and institutional environment
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Alicia Eads
Cetin Onder and Behlül Üsdiken
Institutional change and imprint persistence in organizational collectivities: Strikes across local industries in Turkey,
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Lise Lillebrygfjeld Halse
Session IV: Friday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, G2-41
Accounts of the Past: Narratives and Logics
Chair: Matthias Kipping
Mairi Maclean and Charles Harvey
Coming to terms with the past? Narrative, metaphor and the subjective understanding of transition
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Yen N. Oon
Anna Soulsby
Rethinking and reshaping history: The use of narratives to construct accounts of past in post-communist organizations
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Catherine Casler
Alicia Eads
A tale of two crises: Cultural beliefs and competing crisis solution strategies
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Gerarda Westerhuis
Session V: Friday, July 04, 14:00 to 15:30, G2-41
Explaining/Inventing the Past
Chair: Behlül Üsdiken
Alistair Mutch
The business of religion: Lending and the Church of Scotland in the eighteenth century
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Catherine Glee
Carole Elliott, Ron Kerr and Sarah Robonson
Confecting a corporate historical web identity: Researching the representation of history in the light of the visual/digital
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Mairi Maclean
Elena Giovannoni and Paolo Quattrone
Mind the gap: Institutional persistence, absence and the incomplete cathedral
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Talia Pfefferman
Session VI: Saturday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, G2-41
History as a Resource: Legitimacy
Chair: R. Daniel Wadhwani
Lise Halse and Ove Bjarnar
About history as organizational resource in the evolution of the maritime cluster in North West Norway
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Luca Zan
Mads Mordhorst
Companies, national identity narratives and legitimacy – The case of the dairy business in Denmark and Sweden
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Stephanie Decker
Diego M. Coraiola and Shilo Hills
Myth, history and wine: A study on corporate history-telling
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Michael Rowlinson
Session VII: Saturday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30, G2-41
History and the Human Element
Chair: Matthias Kipping
Catherine Glée-Vermande and Danielle Tucker
Theocratic roots and the psychological contract: How history influences views of the employment relationship and makes change
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Elena Giovannoni
Jarmo Seppälä
Explaining the diversity of decisions: A history of local competition and decision-making
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Cetin Onder
Anindita Banerjee and Bill Cooke
Using the concept of boundary object as an epistemology of the past: The case of human relations
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Anna Soulsby