Sub-theme 02: (SWG) The Role of Organized Labour in and around the MNC

Graham Hollinshead, University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Christoph Dörrenbächer, Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany
Mike Geppert, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Session I: Thursday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, FG 1A3 (1st floor)
Chair: Graham Hollinshead
Nina Poloski Vokic and Maja Klindžić
Organized labour in MNCs – Exploring the role of country of origin labour relations model
Daniel Pastuh, Christoph Dörrenbächer, Mike Geppert and Matthias Tomenendal
What means standardization today and how does it affect the politicisation of the contemporary MNCs?
Eric Davoine and Linda Mettler
The transnationalization processes of a locally organized and ‘country of origin’ labelled labour: The case of the Swiss watch industry
Session II: Thursday, July 06, 14:00 to 15:30, FG 1A3 (1st floor)
Chair: Christoph Doerrenbaecher
Maciej Bankarzewski, Jane Hardy and Graham Hollinshead
Japanese MNCs in Poland: Employment practices and patterns of worker resistance
Cemil Eren Firtin
Performativity of announcing: Redundancy announcements and their consequences in the MNC context
Christian Lévesque
The micro-politics of transnational solidarity: The dynamics of power relations in workplace union strategies in MNCs
Session III: Friday, July 07, 09:00 to 10:30, FG 1A3 (1st floor)
Chair: Mike Geppert
Stephanie Schrage and Dirk Ulrich Gilbert
Implementing living wages in global value chains: On the responsibility of multi-national enterprises
Robson Rocha
Power and institutions: The construction of health and safety as a transnational Space
Rachel Alexander, Sarah Ashwin, Nora Lohmeyer, Chikako Oka and Elke Schüßler
Analysing the evolving texture of transnational industrial relations: Opening the black box of interfirm and firm-union relationships in the global garment industry
Session IV: Friday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, FG 1A3 (1st floor)
Chair: Graham Hollinshead
Christoph Dörrenbächer, Heinz Tüselmann, Qi Cao and Heinz-Rudolf Meißner
Industrial relations in foreign owned subsidiaries in Germany: Comparative case study results
Markus Hertwig, Sophie Rosenbohm and thomas Haipeter
Employee interests in multinational companies: European Works Councils and the problem of interest articulation
Anna Soulsby and Graham Hollinshead
Multinational corporations and foreign direct investment: A comparative study of the effects of national historical identity on the perceptions of local organizational actors
Session V: Friday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, FG 1A3 (1st floor)
Chair: Mike Geppert
Keyan Lai, Glenn Morgan and Jonathan Morris
The making of ‘corporate soldiers’ and internationalization: Identity control in a Chinese MNC
Rodolphe Colle, Isabelle Corbett-Etchevers, Christian Defélix, Céline Péréa and Damien RICHARD
Freedom-form organization: New management initiative for the good organization or neo-liberal project of the firm?
Walter Jarvis
Australian MNCs with subsidiaries in Germany: Towards a comparative study of micro-politics in management-labour relations (via Relational Realism)
Session VI: Saturday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30, FG 1A3 (1st floor)
Chair: Christoph Doerrenbaecher
Joey Soehardjojo
Understanding Japanese work, employment and organizational practices in the political and economic context of Indonesian subsidiaries
Tamiko Kasahara
How do meganationa MNCs identify their talent? The neglected role of regional HQs in global talent management
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Graham Hollinshead
Umut Koç
Universality, Solidarity, and Liberty: The Institutional Stability and Change in the National Healthcare Fields
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Anna Soulsby
Session VII: Saturday, July 08, 11:00 to 12:30, FG 1A3 (1st floor)
Chair: Graham Hollinshead
Kathleen Park and Olimpia Meglio
Knowledge dissemination and innovation enhancement in cross-border mergers and acquisitions
Marie-Thérèse Claes and Chiara Canavale
The role of previous international experiences for self-initiated expats. The impact of cultural values
Miguel Alzola
The ethics deficit in Human Resource Management