Sub-theme 55: Cooperatives as a Fortress of Participation?

Irma Rybnikova, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
Christopher Land, University of Leicester, UK
Ronald Hartz, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
Session I: Thursday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, DEMI 3
The Politics of Participation
Chair: Irma Rybnikova, Christopher Land, Ronald Hartz
Sarah L. Jenkins
The paradox of economic and democratic participation in a worker cooperative: An embedded analysis
Melanie Hühn, Markus Tümpel, Irma Rybnikova and Ronald Hartz
Embedded participation – A multiple case study of German cooperatives
Stéphane Jaumier
Theorising ‘pre-emptive’ resistance in organisation studies: An ethnography of a co-operative sheet-metal factory
Session II: Thursday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, DEMI 3
Contesting Rationalities
Chair: Irma Rybnikova
Lawrence Corrigan and Daphne Rixon
A theatrical analysis of the presentation of key performance indicators in rural electric cooperatives
Stefan Einarsson and Filip Wijkström
The role of member’s in the governance of large producer co-operatives
Myriam Michaud and Luc K. Audebrand
The paradox of stakeholder democracy in multi-stakeholder co-operatives
Session III: Thursday, July 07, 16:00 to 17:30, DEMI 3
Economy of Cooperation
Chair: Irma Rybnikova
Marco Berti and Christos Pitelis
The labours of Labour: Towards a cooperative theory of the firm
Tomas Martins and Renata Barbara Moreno
A cooperative theory of the firm applied to Brazilian agribusiness cooperatives
Filip Wijkström, Martin Gustavsson, Stefan Einarsson and Torbjörn Einarsson
Cooperatives in motion. Member governance in two Swedish farmer Co-ops (1990–2011)
Session IV: Friday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30, DEMI 3
Meta-Coopetatives and Networks
Chair: Christopher Land
Benoît Roux and Xavier Lecocq
A devil's advocate perspective on organizing alternatives to capitalism: Explaining the evolution of business cooperatives
Aurélie Soetens and Benjamin Huybrechts
From network to identity and legitimacy: The journey to sustain workers’ participation
Michael Wortmann
Grocery retailers’ cooperatives – Comparing Germany and France
Session V: Friday, July 08, 14:00 to 15:30, DEMI 3
Arts, Culture, Creative Industries
Chair: Christopher Land
Pedro Costa, Patricia De Camillis and Thais da Silva
Worker's participation in decision-making processes and knowledge construction: A methodological proposal for studying Brazilian cooperatives dilemmas from a grounded theory approach
Anke Strauß
Critical concrete:
 Organising liminality and re-constructing participatory art in the cultural sphere
Olivia Kyriakidou, Leonidas Maroudas and Konstantina Zoehrer
Worker cooperatives and processes of participation
Session VI: Saturday, July 09, 09:00 to 10:30, DEMI 3
Climate, Sustainability – Food 1
Chair: Ronald Hartz
Ana Carolina Simões Braga
Construction collective of the identity of cooperative of collect selective: An analysis from the categorization
Paul F. Skilton and Zhaohui Wu
Pluralistic cultural embeddedness and the evolution of alternative agricultural cooperatives
Anirban Kar and Ana María Peredo
International business and the impact on the host nation: The worker cooperatives option
Session VII: Saturday, July 09, 11:00 to 12:30, DEMI 3
Climate, Sustainability – Food 2
Chair: Ronald Hartz
Özlem Öz and Zuhre Aksoy
Democratic participation and co-op spirit: Achievements and ambivalences in a consumer food co-operative in Istanbul