Sub-theme 62: (Re-)Producing Civil Society through Organizational Practices

Liv Egholm, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Filip Wijkström, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Michael Meyer, WU – Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Session I: Thursday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, TLÜ, Astra, A-206
Practicing Civil Society
Chair: Michael Meyer
Liv Egholm
Producing the common good philanthropic investment practices in 20th century Denmark
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Pamela A. Popielarz
David Falk
Constitutional hybridity in the welfare sector: The case of preschool services provided by a Swedish nonprofit subsidiary
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Hanna Schneider & Michaela Neumayr
Session II: Thursday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30, TLÜ, Astra, A-206
Civil Society & Refugees
Chair: Filip Wijkström
Liesbet Heyse, Aurora Krogh and Nina Hansen
Civic action in the institutional void in refugee reception and integration in the Netherlands
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Lukas Löhlein & David Twardowski
Michael Meyer and Ruth Simsa
Reproducing civil society organizations in times of external jolts: How Austrian CSOs dealt with the refugees crises
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Liesbet Heyse, Aurora Krogh and Nina Hansen
Lukas Löhlein and David Twardowski
Accounting and the (un)making of the organization: Understanding shifting modes of formalization within Germany’s ‘Refugee Welcome Movement’
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Liv Egholm
Session III: Thursday, July 05, 16:00 to 17:30, TLÜ, Astra, A-206
Chair: Michael Meyer
Carolin Waldner and Jurgen Willems
Social reputation building: A framework on pre-reputation cues
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Michael Meyer & Ruth Simsa
Jennie Perzon
Collaborative capabilities – Impacts of dual cultural identities in the CSO sector
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Sofia Villo, Minna Halme & Tiina Ritvala
Hanna Schneider and Michaela Neumayr
Part of a bigger picture. Cognitive sensemaking as a way to understand nonprofits' corporate volunteering collaborations
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Jennie Perzon
Session IV: Friday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, TLÜ, Astra, A-206
Civil Society in Conflict
Chair: Filip Wijkström
Sofia Villo, Minna Halme and Tiina Ritvala
Greenpeace, Gazprom, Russia: Toward a mid-range theory of civil society-corporation-government conflict in state-capitalist contexts
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Mario Diani, Henrik Ernstson & Lorien Jasny
Le Bo, Dan Shen and Steffen Boehm
The dual role of NGOs in organizing corporate social and environmental governance: The Apple controversy in China
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Mate Damic
Anna Domaradzka
Re-framing the right to the city – Organizational and discursive practices of residents and developers
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Le Bo, Dan Shen & Steffen Böhm
Session V: Friday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, TLÜ, Astra, A-206
Population Ecology & Institutional Complexity
Chair: Liv Egholm
Dominik Karner, Florentine Maier and Julia Litofcenko
The life and death of nonprofit associations: Exploring the influence of governance arrangements
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Stephanie Antonia Maas
Mario Diani, Henrik Ernstson and Lorien Jasny
From the organizations of civil society to the civil society of organizations?
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Dominik Karner & Florentine Maier
Mate Damić
Mission drifting in NPOs: Exploring the role of foundation funding
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): David Falk
Session VI: Saturday, July 07, 09:00 to 10:30, TLÜ, Astra, A-206
Ownership & Governance
Chair: Liesbet Heyse
Pamela A. Popielarz
Managing brotherhood: Fraternal orders, bureaucracy and rationalization in nineteenth-century America
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Anna Domaradzka
Stephanie Maas
Organizational ownership as a performative: The case of corporate foundations
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Marta Reuter & Filip Wijkström
Marta Reuter and Filip Wijkström
Three Parallel Modes of Governance in Civil Society. The steering and control of welfare provision in the case of Church of Sweden
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Carolin J. Waldner & Jürgen Willems
Session VII: Saturday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, TLÜ, Astra, A-206
- Group Discussion -
Chair: Liv Egholm
Gabriel Yamamoto and Josiane de Oliveira
Immigration as a social practice: Understanding the organizational process of Haitian immigrants in the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): The SWG group
Michelle Ouimette and Imran Chowdhury
Reconciling divergent logics in nonprofit entrepreneurship
Two papers have not been uploaded, therefore we moved them to the last session. There should also be space for a wrap up.