Sub-theme 05: [SWG] Organization as Communication: The Enduring and Fading Away of Organizations

Consuelo Vásquez, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
François Cooren, Université de Montréal, Canada
Jeanne Mengis, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland
Session I: Thursday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, TLÜ, Silva, S-232
Enduring Despite/Because of Stillness and Impermanence
Chair: Oana Brindusa Albu
Michael Grothe-Hammer and Dennis Schoeneborn
The Project-Based Organization (PBO) as the “honeybee queen”: A Luhmannian perspective on the enduring and fading away of organization
Christoph Haug
Stuck, but still moving: How meetings never seem to stop working
Minna Mars Logemann, Emma Nordbäck, Robyn Walker, Peter Cardon and Jolanta Aritz
Getting fast-on-track: Communicative approach to the organizing of short-term virtual teams
Session II: Thursday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30, TLÜ, Silva, S-232
Enduring Interactions and Figures
Chair: François Lambotte
Nora Meziani, Joëlle Basque and Linda Rouleau
Making organizational values endure: Ventriloquism as discursive resistance. Insights from a Canadian organization in the film industry
Jacqueline Dahan
The Emissiongate: A critical journey about image repair
Joëlle Basque, Ann Langley, Nora Meziani and Viviane Sergi
Ghosts! Deceased founders as paradoxical figures of continuity and change
Ellen Nathues, Mark van Vuuren and François Cooren
Introducing a ventriloquial framework: How teams ventriloquize voices in visionary talk
Session III: Thursday, July 05, 16:00 to 17:30, TLÜ, Silva, S-232
- Group Discussion -
Chair: François Cooren
Session IV: Friday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, TLÜ, Silva, S-232
Endurance, Sensemaking and Institutions
Chair: Jawwad Raja
Bertrand Audrin, Eric Davoine and François Pichault
Stories of implementing new ways of working: Using Greimas’ actantial narrative analysis in five Swiss case studies
Ilaria Redaelli
Interactional machinations behind sensemaking
Christian Baden and Friederike Schultz
Institutional Justification in Frames
Heidi Hirsto
The survival of saving
Session V: Friday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, TLÜ, Silva, S-232
Enduring through the Hybridity of Organizational Existence
Chair: Joëlle Basque
Nicolas Bencherki and Kasper Trolle Elmholdt
The organization’s synaptic mode of existence
Nada Endrissat, Viviane Sergi and Claus Noppeney
Evaluative moments in scent making: Exploring ‘sensing and experiencing’ as constitutive of organizing
François Lambotte
Questioning the enduring but fragile materiality of digital traces: the case of social media analytics
Session VI: Saturday, July 07, 09:00 to 10:30, TLÜ, Silva, S-232
Endurance, Material and Virtual Spaces
Chair: Christoph Haug
Salla-Maaria Laaksonen, Erna Bodström and Camilla Haavisto
Fantasies between the street and the virtual: communicative organizing of the Right to Live demonstration
Pekka Pälli, Ari Kuismin and Emma Nordbäck
Organizational spaces of work as discursive constructions
Oana Brindusa Albu and Neva Stumberger
Contested spacing: International non-profit organizations and the re-territorialization of asylum seekers
Vibeke T. Madsen and Winni Johansen
Spiral of voice? When coworkers speak up on internal social media
Session VII: Saturday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, TLÜ, Silva, S-232
Enduring through Tensions, Relations and Ambiguity
Chair: Ilaria Redaelli
Mie Plotnikof and Dennis K. Mumby
Exploring dis/organization: Discursive constructions of tension and precarity in a case of cross-sector collaboration
Jawwad Z. Raja and Thomas Frandsen
Striving for visibility of service: A CCO perspective