Sub-theme 65: Open sub-theme I: Entrepreneurship and Leadership

Iiris Aaltio, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Simone Ferriani, University of Bologna, Italy
Gino Cattani, New York University, Stern School of Business, USA
Session I: Thursday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, TLÜ, Silva, S-238
Creation and Persistence in Entrepreneurship
Chair: Iiris Aaltio, Gino Cattani & Simone Ferriani
Thomas Schmidt, Satoshi Tomita, Yuki Yamauchi and Jörg Sydow
Entrepreneurial storytelling and the rise of robotics/AI start-ups in Japan
Chiara De Bernardi and Matteo Pedrini
Getting drunk, feeling environmental passion
Session II: Thursday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30, TLÜ, Silva, S-238
Leadership, Identity and Culture
Chair: Iiris Aaltio, Gino Cattani & Simone Ferriani
Lucia Garcia-Lorenzo, Lucia Sell-Trujillo and Paul Donnelly
Entrepreneuring after 50: The identity transitions of older U.K. entrepreneurs
Jean-François Soublière and Christi Lockwood
Cultural entrepreneurship: Towards a theory of meaning cultivation
Eline Jammaers and Patrizia Zanoni
Unexpected entrepreneurs: Entrepreneurs with disabilities’ embodied identity struggles
Session III: Thursday, July 05, 16:00 to 17:30, TLÜ, Silva, S-238
Leadership and Groups
Chair: Iiris Aaltio, Gino Cattani & Simone Ferriani
Ishani Aggarwal, Urszula Lagowska, Vanessa Bohns and Christina E. Shalley
The Opposing impact of openness to experience on team performance through shared leadership: The role of task context
Artemis Chang, Anna M. Wiewiora and Yulin Liu
Spider web leadership: Threading the web for project collective learning
Hager Jemel, Sarah Saint-Michel, Racky Ka-Sy and Marieke Delanghe
Inclusive leadership: Concept clarification and scale development
Session IV: Friday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, TLÜ, Silva, S-238
Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Chair: Iiris Aaltio, Gino Cattani & Simone Ferriani
Simona Leonelli and Francesca Masciarelli
Born to be successful: the determinants of start-ups’ innovation.
Brian McGrath
Entrepreneurial persistence and investor relations in the face of novelty and uncertainty
Ehsan Derayati, Rick Molz and Gwyneth Edwards
The effects of institutional setting on nourishing deep-tech start-ups: A qualitative approach to Canadian Deep-Tech Start-up ecosystem
Session V: Friday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, TLÜ, Silva, S-238
Entrepreneurship, Cases and Industries
Chair: Iiris Aaltio, Gino Cattani & Simone Ferriani
Adrien Passant
Governing the ungovernable by adapting the dynamic governance capability over a long period of time: The case of a two-century business school, ESCP Europe (1819–2017)
Benedetto Cannatelli, Matteo Pedrini and Michael Braun
Give a man a beer, teach a man to brew: The relation between passion and entrepreneurial approach in the Italian craft brewing industry
Paolo Aversa and Mark Jenkins
The primordial soup of cluster genesis: The historical case of the British motor clubs
Session VI: Saturday, July 07, 09:00 to 10:30, TLÜ, Silva, S-238
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Session VII: Saturday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, TLÜ, Silva, S-238
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