Sub-theme 77: May You Live in Interesting Times: Trust Dynamics in Changing Contexts

Lovisa Näslund, Stockholm University, Sweden
Kirsimarja Blomqvist, LUT University, Finland
Guido Möllering, Witten/Herdecke University, Germany
Session Time Corridor 1: Thursday, July 08, 08:45 to 12:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
The Organizational Context
Break 1: 10:30 to 11:00
Chair: Lovisa Näslund [Welcome], Guido Möllering [Paper Session 1] & Kirsimarja Blomqvist [Paper Session 2]
Niamh Daly, Nicole Gillespie, Matthew Hornsey and Lisa van der Werff
“You have to trust; you have no choice really”: The influence of perceived dependency on stakeholders' responses to trust violations
Jinhan Jiao, Zuzana Sasovova, Rick Aalbers and Allard C.R. Van Riel
The role of tie strength in interpersonal trust repair in an organizational context
Michaël Suurendonk
Re-thinking the foundation of trust: Towards the normative model of positive expectation
Aviv Kidron and Hedva Vinarski Peretz
The role of organizational trust in Israeli public sector
Marcel Maurer, Norbert Bach and Simon Oertel
Trust and sensemaking in the context of organizational change
Sari-Johanna Karhapää and Anu Puusa
Trust taken for granted? Implications in the knowledge-intensive organizations
08:45–09:00: Welcome to the Sub-theme

09:00–10:30: Paper Session 1: Trust, Risk and Violations
Presentations: Daly et al.; Jiao et al.; Suurendonk

11:00–12:30: Paper Session 2: Trust within Organizations
Presentations: Kidron & Peretz; Maurer et al.; Karhapää & Puusa
Session Time Corridor 2: Thursday, July 08, 16:00 to 17:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Building Trust in Relationships [Paper Session 3]
Chair: Lovisa Näslund
Kingsley Omeihe and Ibiyemi Omeihe
Networks, trust and norms of indigenous institutions: Trader network behaviour in challenging environments
Henri Slob, Emre Karali and Harry Commandeur
A multilevel investigation of love as a key underpinning of the control-trust dynamics
Tina Azad and Guido Möllering
Third parties: Facilitating trust and cooperation despite uncertainties
Session Time Corridor 3: Friday, July 09, 09:00 to 12:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
The Virtual Context
Break 1: 10:30 to 11:00
Chair: Kirsimarja Blomqvist [Paper Session 4] & Lovisa Näslund [Paper Session 5]
Federica De Molli and Marilena Vecco
Trust development through space design
Lovisa Näslund
Rumour has it: Social media gossip and trust in unverified online sources
Tobias Polzer and Galina Goncharenko
The UK COVID-19 App: Co-production of a digital public service that went wrong
Anna Hankimaa and Martin Mathews
Active trusting in the challenging context of distributed global teams: Making it happen
Kirsimarja Blomqvist, Iina Savolainen and Annina Ropponen
Do you still trust me? Supervisor and subordinate trust dynamics in abrupt shift to remote work
Margarita Nyfoudi
Dialogic interactions in the era of acute teleworking: A conceptual model and research agenda for trust dynamics
09:00–10:30: Paper Session 4: Online and Offline Spaces
Presentations: De Molli & Vecco; Näslund; Polzer & Goncharenko

11:00–12:30: Paper Session 5: Going Remote
Hankimaa & Mathews; Blomqvist et al.; Nyfoudi
Session Time Corridor 4: Friday, July 09, 16:00 to 17:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Trust in Complex Interorganizational Relationships [Paper Session 6]
Chair: Lovisa Näslund
Elieti Biques Fernandes, Douglas Wegner and Guido Möllering
The role of trust and interpersonal relationships in handling of effective governance and relational rents of interorganizational projects
Lena Högberg and Birgitta Sköld
Pockets of trust in a distrust landscape – Competing logics in the development of trust and distrust in a new multi-actor constellation
Arvind Karunakaran
In Cloud we trust? Examining the production of normalized trust in platform-mediated interorganizational relationships
Session Time Corridor 5: Saturday, July 10, 10:00 to 12:00, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Landscapes of Trust [Paper Session 7 + Summing-up]
Chair: Guido Möllering
Badri Zolfaghari
Examining configurations of trust in entrepreneurial start-up teams: A comparative case study of incubation programs in Cape Town, Munich, and Stockholm
Joerg Bueechl, Markus Pudelko and Nicole Gillespie
Do Chinese subordinates trust their German supervisors? A model of inter-cultural trust development
Sara Turner
Trust-distrust dynamics in cross disciplinary collaborations
10:00–11:30: Paper Session 7: Intercultural Trust
11:30–12:00: Summing-up and Moving Forward