Sub-theme 51: [hybrid] Organizing for Interdisciplinarity to Tackle Grand Challenges

Joel Bothello, Concordia University, Canada
Gabriela Gutierrez-Huerter O, King's College London, United Kingdom
Stefanie Habersang, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany
Session I: Thursday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, AD.0.090 Sitzungssaal 6
Interdisciplinary Organizing and Governance for Grand Challenges
Chair: Joel Bothello
Sebastian Priestersberger, Melanie Wiener, Georg Reischauer and Werner H. Hoffmann
The design of incumbent-sponsored meta-organizations for creating sustainability-oriented innovation
Discussant(s): Chiara De Bernardi
Chiara De Bernardi, Marcello Arosio and Mario Martina
Grand challenges call for grand network of universities: A national PhD programme in sustainable development and climate change
Discussant(s): Nikolai Staudinger
Nikolai Staudinger
Ambassadors for collaboration: Facilitating collaborative governance in tackling grand challenges
Discussant(s): Sebastian Priestersberger
Session II: Thursday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, AD.0.090 Sitzungssaal 6
Catalysing Interdisciplinary Action for Sustainability
Chair: Gabriela Gutierrez-Huerter O
Kim Doell, Helen Etchanchu, Ewa A. Miendlarzewska, Angelique Slade Shantz and Charlene Zietsma
A field experiment on the effectiveness of framing climate action: Direct vs. indirect effects
Discussant(s): Please note the authors have withdrawn this paper
Annika Skoglund
Responding to interconnected challenges through engineering entrepreneurship education – How experimental teaching methods facilitate transformative learning
Discussant(s): Cédric Gossart
Cédric Gossart
Education and grand challenges: The practices of environmental and sustainable development education associations
Discussant(s): Annika Skoglund
Session III: Friday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30, AD.0.090 Sitzungssaal 6
Business Schools: Enabling or Constraining Interdisciplinarity?
Chair: Stefanie Habersang
Gabriela Gutierrez-Huerter O, Sarah Glozer and Anica Zeyen
Interdisciplinarity at the grassroots: Exploringdialogue for sustainability
Discussant(s): Pilar Acosta
Pilar Acosta, Minna Halme, Marcus Wagner and Michelle Westermann-Behaylo
Building interdisciplinarity in education and research in sustainability: A process approach to overcome the challenges
Discussant(s): Simona Grande
Simona Grande and Francesca Ricciardi
Business schools as interdisciplinarity catalysts in university ecosystems: A systematic review and integrative framework
Discussant(s): Gabriela Gutierrez-Huerter O
Session IV: Friday, July 08, 11:00 to 12:30, AD.0.090 Sitzungssaal 6
Tackling Grand Challenges (I): Gender Inequalities
Chair: Gabriela Gutierrez-Huerter O
Joel Bothello and Claudine Mangen
If it's broken, fix it! The institutional work around maintaining and disrupting gender inequalities
Discussant(s): Mark Gatto
Alyson Gounden Rock
On gendered organizational working practices: A critical discursive approach
Discussant(s): Joel Bothello
Mark Gatto, Jamie Callahan and Mark Learmonth
A dystopian fictocriticism of working parenthood
Discussant(s): Alyson Grounden Rock
Session V: Friday, July 08, 14:00 to 15:30, AD.0.090 Sitzungssaal 6
Tackling Grand Challenges (II): Perspectives from the Global South
Chair: Stefanie Habersang
Xiao Chen, Dennis G. Willms and Don Wagner
Rescripting sustainable development goals: Goal emplotments storied in resource-compromised communities in Sub-Saharan Africa
Discussant(s): Iu Tusell
Iu Tusell, Martin C. Schleper and Constantin Blome
Agreeing to disagree: A study on dissensus within governance forms tackling grand challenges
Discussant(s): Xiao Chen
Session VI: Saturday, July 09, 09:00 to 10:30, AD.0.090 Sitzungssaal 6
Methodological Avenues and Paradigms to Tackle Grand Challenges
Chair: Joel Bothello
Fran Ackermann and Igor Pyrko
“Journey making”: Co-creating impact by unpacking grand challenges as complex systems of interdisciplinary interdependencies
Discussant(s): Hendrik Woiwode
Hendrik Woiwode and Anna Froese
The consistent organization of interdisciplinary research: Factors facilitating different modes of interdisciplinarity
Discussant(s): Kostas Stavrianakis
Kostas Stavrianakis, Jacob A.E. Nielsen and Zoe Morrison
Trans-disciplinary research for Grand Challenges. A collaborative autoethnographic account
Discussant(s): Fran Ackermann
Session VII: Saturday, July 09, 11:00 to 12:30, AD.0.090 Sitzungssaal 6
Breaking Conventions and New Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity
Chair: Stefanie Habersang
Hanna Varvne and Mariana Andrei
Organizing interdisciplinary energy system research
Discussant(s): Franz Wohlgezogen
Franz Wohlgezogen, Tom Osegowitsch, Joeri Mol and Angela McCabe
Interdisciplinarity in climate change research in business and economics: The center cannot hold
Discussant(s): Hanna Varvne