Sub-theme 70: Routines Dynamics: Enacting and Crossing Boundaries -> HYBRID!
Maria Booth, University of Linköping, Sweden
Daniel Geiger, University of Hamburg, Germany
Waldemar Kremser, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Session I: Thursday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, Ingegneria – N – 2_2
Navigating Spatio-Temporal Boundaries
Chair: Maria Booth, Waldemar Kremser, Daniel Geiger
Yunchen Sun and Fredrik Tell
In between being and becoming: Introducing routine prototypes in enacting and crossing routine boundaries
Bonnie Rose Stanway, Stefan Meisiek, Miguel Pina e Cunha and Miguel Pina e Cunha
Process Interdependencies of Routines and Improvisation in the Patterning of Actions: Gaps, Drifts, and Skyhooks
Susanna Hedborg, Emilia Nilsson Vestola and Anna Kadefors
Constructing a strategic project: a project-based organisation’s fumbling efforts to change inter-organisational routines
Session II: Thursday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, Ingegneria – N – 2_2
Crossing Boundaries and Adapting Routines
Chair: Waldemar Kremser
Ankita Tandon, K Unnikrishnan Nair and K Unnikrishnan Nair
How do successful learning routines cross multiple boundaries?
Simon Addyman
Methodology and boundaries in routine dynamics: An autoethnographic perspective
Stig Løland and Markus Hällgren
Socio-ecological routine patterning
Session III: Thursday, July 06, 14:00 to 15:30, Ingegneria – N – 2_2
Routine Transfer and Replication
Chair: Daniel Geiger
Christian A. Mahringer
Routine transfer across similar contexts – The case of agile software development routines
Mehdi Safavi and Alessandro Alvarenga
Embodying routine replication dynamics: An ethnographic study on the impact of the body in routine replication in the Royal
Air Force
Dehua Gao
Digital artifacts as ‘templates’ in routines replication across the intra-organizational boundary: An NK-based simulation
Session IV: Friday, July 07, 09:00 to 10:30, Ingegneria – N – 2_2
Routine Emergence and Creation
Chair: Maria Booth
Andreas Paul Spee, Joanna Kho, Anna Jenkins and Anna Jenkins
Forming new routines
Zeina Othman, Lucia Crevani, Inti Lammi and Inti José Lammi
Boundary-crossing Routine Design in the Echo of Algorithms
Lena E. Bygballe, Anna Swärd, Anne Live Vaagaasar, Andrew Davies and Anne Live Vaagaasar
The interaction between exogenous and endogenous change in meta-routine patterning
Leighann E. Kimble
Process Multiplicity in Interorganizational Data Sharing
Session V: Friday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, Ingegneria – N – 2_2
Routine Breakdowns and Repatterning
Chair: Waldemar Kremser
Kim Dillenberger
Lost in improvisation: Unfolding improvisation fallibility in routine dynamics
Lisa Balzarin
Shaping knowledge boundaries and thus identity in routine dynamics
Daniel Gaeckle, Christian A. Mahringer and Birgit Renzl
Enacting relations: the role of artificial intelligence for the stability of routines
Norbert Bach, Peter G. Galvin and Viktoria Mayr
Routine dynamics across temporal boundaries – Crafting the future during an MBO
Session VI: Friday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, Ingegneria – N – 2_2
Routines and Learning
Chair: Daniel Geiger
Anja Danner-Schröder and Kathrin Lemm
Exploring process multiplicity in agile learning routines: How learning paths and outcomes can be (re-)created
Alfred A. Jackson
Experientially starved organisational learning: A routine dynamics view
Karina Kiær and Thomas R.S. Albrechtsen
Routine Interdependence and Boundary Objects. Coordinating Professional Learning Communities Among Science Teacher Educators
Session VII: Saturday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30, Ingegneria – N – 2_2
Routines and Organizational Level Change
Chair: Maria Booth
Dina Myllymäki and Kathrin Sele
Digital empowerment: A routine dynamics perspective on HR transformation
Leandro Lepratte and Gabriel Yoguel
Innovation in services as an emergence of co-production process: Some reflections from routine dynamics and complexity perspectives
Qinzhen Qian and Jörg Sydow
Temporary and permanent organization interacting: A vicious circle evolving from two kinds of tension on different levels
Ilona Sediha and Liora Moskovitz
Where is work? Negotiating identity boundaries through changing working routines
Session VIII: Saturday, July 08, 11:00 to 12:30, Ingegneria – N – 2_2
Routines and Outcomes
Chair: Waldemar Kremser
Charlotte Blanche
Replication of discriminatory practices. The case of a Montreal theater
Sandro Franzoi, Sophie Hartl, Thomas Grisold and Jan vom Brocke
Drivers of complexity in organizational routines – Insights from a digital trace data study
Olga Lelebina
At the crossroads of novelty, routines and boredom