Sub-theme 33: Digital Biographies: How Algorithms Travel across Time and Space

Luciana D’Adderio, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Vern L. Glaser, Alberta School of Business, Canada
Marleen Huysman, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Session I: Thursday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, U9-P-1-09
Algorithms, Autonomy & Agency
Chair: Vern Glaser
Carolyn Fu, Rebecca Karp, Simon Friis and Elizabeth Calder
Interhoming as a strategic response to algorithmic control
Discussant(s): Chris Schafer
Alex Murray and Ralph Heidl
Non-human agency in organizations: Action selection with augmenting technologies
Discussant(s): Carolyn Fu
Chris Schäfer
From Eagerness to Indifference: How Algorithms Co-Create Carbon Accounting Practices
Discussant(s): Alex Murray
Session II: Thursday, July 04, 11:00 to 12:30, U9-P-1-09
Algorithms, Knowledge & Expertise
Chair: Neil Pollock
Eric Monteiro, Petter Almklov, Marius Mikalsen, Elena Parmiggiani, Thomas Østerlie and Vidar Hepsø
What data are about: Instruments and the constitution of objects in our lifeworld
Discussant(s): Mayur Joshi
Mayur Joshi and Andrew Sarta
When and how do domain experts accept AI-based solutions? Building theory from qualitative comparative meta-analysis 
Discussant(s): Tehri Esko
Terhi P. Esko
Disconnections in legal tech design: Digitalizing the Finnish court system
Discussant(s): Eric Monteiro
Session III: Thursday, July 04, 14:00 to 15:30, U9-P-1-09
Algorithm Design, Development and Deployment
Chair: Luciana D'Adderio
Ines Baer, Lauren Waardenburg and Marleen Huysman
Truth and Error practices in AI development: The case of employability predictions
Discussant(s): Gina Lindstad
Gina Lindstad and Jonas A. Ingvaldsen
Where algorithms come from: How designers learn about what digital technologies can and should do
Discussant(s): Antti Lyyra
Antti K. Lyyra
Algorithm innovation: What’s the point of reduction?
Discussant(s): Simon Altmejd
Session IV: Friday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, U9-P-1-09
Algorithmic Objects, Artifacts & Materiality
Chair: Marleen Huysman
Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi and Vern L. Glaser
Problematizing AI in AI assemblages
Discussant(s): Tiziano Volpentesta
Tyson D. Rallens
The evolution of a complex digital resource: How organizational actors shape Google Chrome as a social-symbolic object
Discussant(s): Mohammad Jarrahi
Tiziano Volpentesta, Abhijeet Satwekar and Daniele Mascia
Guardrails for Deep Learning in the Biopharmaceutical Industry: Insights from a Routine Perspective
Discussant(s): Tyson Rallens
Session V: Friday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30, U9-P-1-09
Algorithmic Biographies: Moments
Chair: Vern Glaser
Meaghan J. Girard and Ekaterina Turkina
The limits of AI for strategic differentiation: A longitudinal study of an AI’s biographical moments across time and space
Discussant(s): Kevin Carillo
Kévin Carillon
Closing the algorithmic black box: breakdowns, repairs, and performative struggles in a public service media.
Discussant(s): Andrew Linn
Andrew V. Linn
How the biography of a surgical robotic system captures the co-performation of key routines in their stabilization through the lens of assemblage theory
Discussant(s): Meaghan Girard
Session VI: Friday, July 05, 14:00 to 15:30, U9-P-1-09
Practices, Routines & Algorithms
Chair: Luciana D'Adderio
Zeina Othman and Silvia Bruzzone
Digitalization of Powerlines Inspection Routine Through AI as an Infrastructuring Process
Discussant(s): Mehdi Safavi
Mehdi Safavi and Verena Timmer
Organizing complexity: An inductive inquiry into algorithmic routines expansion
Discussant(s): Xiaoyan Liang
Xiaoyan Liang, Qijie Xiao and Liang Li
Algorithmic human resource management practices and their consequences: Platform workers’ experiences
Discussant(s): Zeina Othman
Session VII: Saturday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, U9-P-1-09
Regulating & Governing Algorithms
Chair: Marleen Huysman
Tamara Thuis, Ting Li and Eric van Heck
Bridging the AI responsibility gap: A field study on responsibility attributions in AI development and use
Discussant(s): Thomas Blonski
Thomas Blonski, Quentin Madrelle and Louis Vuarin
How the legacy of digital biography affects management of algorithmic moderation: Lessons from algorithmic cabotage at Facebook (2004–2021)
Discussant(s): Su-Hua Ou
Su-Hua Ou
Shaping ecosystems as multiple business models: Internet of Vehicles with effectuated Internet of Things technologies
Discussant(s): Simona Mormile
Simona Mormile, Roberta Romano, Gabriella Piscopo and Paola Adinolfi
How artificial intelligence (AI) technologies move across public sector organizations: A meta-synthesis of qualitative research
Discussant(s): Tamara Thuis
Session VIII: Saturday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, U9-P-1-09
Performing Algorithms: Tensions, Struggles & Paradoxes
Chair: Neil Pollock
Adrian Yeow, Christina Soh and Candice Balete
Paradoxical tensions and responses in translating a healthcare algorithm: From development to implementation
Discussant(s): Simon Altmejd
Maria Luciana Blaha, Krishan Chandarana and David Brown
An algorithmic biographical moment: Artificial intelligence and intelligent automation procurement assemblages through different eyes
Discussant(s): Adrian Yeow