Sub-theme 63: The Organizing of Academia

Lars Engwall, Uppsala University, Sweden
Georg Krücken, University of Kassel, Germany
Christine Musselin, SciencesPo, Paris, France
Session I: Thursday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, TC.0.01 ERSTE
Introduction and Overviews
Chair: Lars Engwall
Jay R. Dee
Organizational identity and strategic change in higher education
Discussant(s): Christine Musselin
Luisa P. Overmeyer, Janne Kalucza and Jetta Frost
Mapping the discourse of governing and organizing within universities
Discussant(s): Georg Krücken
Session II: Thursday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Academic and Professional Staff - Room: TC.0.01 ERSTE
Chair: Lars Engwall
Hannah Mormann, Raimund Hasse and Hokyu Hwang
New university professions and the making of the academic individual
Discussant(s): Elisabeth Wagner
Stefan P.L. de Jong, Clara del Junco and Clara del Junco
How do Professional Staff shape cademic knowledge? A literature review and research agenda
Discussant(s): Alessandra Migliore
Roland Bloch and Anne K. Krüger
The organizing of academic staff
Discussant(s): Carole Elliott
Parallel Stream B: Missions of Universities - Room: TC.4.15
Chair: Christine Musselin
Ravit Mizrahi-Shtelman
The innovation university: The commitment to innovation among the higher education organizations
Discussant(s): Lerøy Sataøyen Hogne
Nicole Philippczyck, Harry Hoffmann and Simon Oertel
What Makes Content? Factors Influencing the Content of Mission Statements of European Universities
Discussant(s): Alexander Mitterle
Juha Tuunainen, Kari Kantasalmi and Sari Laari-Salmela
Becoming of a potentializing organization: Analysing university strategies in the age of organizational actorhood
Discussant(s): Gili S. Drori
Parallel Stream C: Self-governance in Academia - Room: TC.3.10
Chair: Georg Krücken
Elina I. Mäkinen and Daniel A. McFarland
Guardians of the discipline: Institutional work and the tenure review system
Discussant(s): Cagal Yavuz Ozgoren
Mats Alvesson and Betina Skzudlarek
The helix of silence: The deterioration of voiceand participation in contemporary academia
Discussant(s): Gergely Kováts
Session III: Friday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Organizing Academia - Room: TC.0.01 ERSTE
Chair: Lars Engwall
Ana Godonoga and Barbara Schachermayer-Sporn
Walking the talk: Organizing for social impact in European business schools
Discussant(s): Malin Henningsson
Nicoline Frølich, Thea Eide and Mari Elken
Distance to leadership: Unpacking different forms of distance in academic organisation
Discussant(s): Adam Keely
Saskia Köpsell and Simon Oertel
Digitalization attempts in higher education: The role of imprinting and the effect of business departments
Discussant(s): Nurbibi Datova
Parallel Stream B: Competition - Room: TC.4.15
Chair: Christine Musselin
Kerttu Kettunen, Kimmo Alajoutsijärvi, John Hunnes and Rómulo Pinheiro
Emergence and early institutionalization of competition in higher education
Discussant(s): Marie Stadge
Marco Cavallaro, Peter Edlund and Benedetto Lepori
The social construction of competition in public research funding: The case of EU Framework Programs
Discussant(s): Nicole Philippczyck
Pedro Pineda, Benedetto Lepori and Özgür Kadir Özer
Academic Employment in Europe and the US Between Structural Diversity, Stability and Change
Discussant(s): Rose Daas Sanne
Parallel Stream C: Organizational Actorhood/Academic Freedom - Room: TC.3.10
Chair: Georg Krücken
Seungah Lee and Francisco O. Ramirez
Globalization of universities as organizational actors?
Discussant(s): Matthias Kipping
Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist and Kerstin Sahlin
Governance dilemmas and academic freedom in contemporary universities
Discussant(s): Ivana Lukěs Rybanska
Session IV: Friday, July 08, 11:00 to 12:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Organization of Academic Research - Room: TC.0.01 ERSTE
Chair: Lars.Engwall
Olga Wagner, Ronja Vorberg, Sabine Lauer and Uwe Wilkesmann
Professorships as the organizational nucleus of the (re-)production of science: Organizing a black box and dealing with (im)perfection
Discussant(s): Jay R. Dee
Maria Rucsandra Stan and Eliana Minelli
The institutional logics governing the process of peer-reviewing academic research: The role of the editor
Discussant(s): Luisa Overmeyer
Parallel Stream B: Strategies - Room: TC.4.15
Chair: Christine Musselin
Marie Stadge
Understanding USR institutionalization in France: implications for practice and research
Discussant(s): Ravit Mizrahi-Shtelman
Sanne Daas and D.M.E. Griffioen
The intended synergy between research and education of Dutch universities of applied sciences: An analysis of the organisational strategies
Discussant(s): Juha Tuunainen
Parallel Stream C: Transition I - Room: TC.3.10
Chair: Georg Krücken
Zuzana Chytková, Nikola Frollová, Ivana Lukeš Rybanská and Daniela Pauknerová
Standing on the shoulders of… no one? Competition and collaboration in an imperfect transition of a research institution
Discussant(s): Elina Mäkinen
Gergely Kováts and Mária Dunavölgyi
A university in transition: The impact of university governance on organisational culture
Discussant(s): Mats Alvesson
Matthias Kipping
Consultants & academia: Mission creep or creepy mission?
Discussant(s): Mari Elken
Session V: Friday, July 08, 14:00 to 15:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Recruitment - Room: TC.0.01 ERSTE
Chair: Lars Engwall
Nurbibi Datova and Thijs A. Velema
Hiring for a Tenure- and Non-Tenure-track jobs in a national academic market: effects of candidates’ nationality and university symbolic capital. Evidence from a factorial survey experiment in Taiwan
Discussant(s): Hannah Mormann
Adam Keeley and Olga Ryazanova
Exploring the heterogeneity of linguistic signals in academic promotion documents
Discussant(s): Stefan De Jong
Malin Henningsson
Reforms and recurring problems: The national policy development of the Swedish academic career 1955-2020
Discussant(s): Roland Bloch
Parallel Stream B: Communication - Room: TC.4.15
Chair: Christine Musselin
Gili S. Drori
The university on display: On the globalization of university museums as sites for enacting the publicness of academic knowledge
Discussant(s): Kertu Kettunen
Alexander Mitterle
Organizational calisthenics: Contemporary reflections on university body building
Discussant(s): Marco Cavallaro
Hogne Lerøy Sataøen, Daniel Lövgren and Simon Neby
Higher education and Strategic Communication in Scandinavia: Creating “The University Experience” through promotional and multimodal productions
Discussant(s): Pedro Pineda
Parallel Stream C: Transition II - Room: TC.3.10
Chair: Georg Krücken
Cagla Yavuz Ozgoren and Mine Karatas-Ozkan
Institutional systems, interplay of multiple institutional logics and field-level complexities in the field of higher education in different contexts
Discussant(s): Seungah Lee
Mari Elken, Martina Vukasovic and Nicoline Frølich
Transformative re-organisations and identity formation in higher education
Discussant(s): Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist
Session VI: Saturday, July 09, 09:00 to 10:30, TC.0.01 ERSTE
Academia and the Pandemic
Chair: Lars Engwall
Carole Elliott and Julie Davies
Decent work in university administration? A new social imaginary for business schools to practice the SDGs they profess post COVID-19
Discussant(s): Ana Godonoga
Alessandra Migliore, Massimo G. Colombo, Cristina Rossi-Lamastra and Raffaele Mancuso
Does working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic increase academic productivity? The role of gender, space, and family workload
Discussant(s): Nicoline Frølich
Christine Musselin, Stéphanie Mignot-Gérard and Aline Waltzing
Loosely coupled organizations facing crises. The case of five French higher education institutions during the Covid 19 crisis
Discussant(s): Saskia Köpsell
Session VII: Saturday, July 09, 11:00 to 12:30, TC.0.01 ERSTE
Funding and Concluding Discussion
Chair: Lars Engwall
Elisabeth Wagner and Giuseppe Delmestri
Pushing boundaries: The influence of audiences on category formation in higher education
Discussant(s): Maria Stan Rucsandra
Georg Krücken, Nicolai Götze and Tim Seidenschnur
Multiple competitions in academia. What role do funding contests play?
Discussant(s): Olga Wagner